📊 Check Out Superior Construction’s Covid-19 Dashboard

With the current day pandemic, it’s been interesting to see how customers have put on their creative hats to think outside the box. Superior Construction is one of those customers! Brittany Hess, the Senior Financial Analyst at Superior, has set up a dashboard specifically for Covid-19’s impact on their employee base. We spoke with Brittany to find out more about her department’s innovations.

(Note: you can click twice on the dashboard image below to enlarge your view. The dashboard’s information is simply placeholder data and does not reflect Superior Construction’s actual results).

What’s the main purpose of this dashboard?

The purpose of this dashboard is to get a comprehensive look at how Covid-19 is affecting our employees’ ability to work their normal hours. It also assists us in stopping the virus spreading on our job sites, should someone test positive. We have come up with a coding system to show if an employee went home sick with one of the known symptoms of the virus, if they are being tested for the virus, what the results of that test were, and how many days of work they are missing. All this information is reported at the employee, job site and division level, so we can see the full impact.

The safety professionals at each job site are sending in a spreadsheet I built that codes any employee and their location daily. We are not pulling in employees that are unaffected, only the ones that meet the coding criteria. The safety professionals are using their expertise and relationship with the field to get us more accurate information than if I was asking it myself. They send in a spreadsheet by 10 a.m. every day and the Finance Department uploads the files through Process Manager. We can usually have the dashboard up and ready to go by 11 a.m.

Why did you choose to track this in Prophix?

Most of the Prophix users at Superior are only looking at their budget vs. actual reporting, even though there is a lot more information available to them. This is information they have specifically requested to see, so we figured if we put it in Prophix it would encourage them to further explore and ask for more in Prophix! So far this seems to be working – they are seeing the charts and asking if we can provide something similar to report on for their costs and KPIs.

What’s the feedback been towards this dashboard so far?

This dashboard has been a big win for the Finance Department. It has finally been the thing that has won over the Executive Team. I expect to start getting a lot of requests in the next few weeks about things they would like to see in Prophix. I’m using this time to ramp up building out things in Prophix to keep them interested!

If you have a question for Prophix or a comment about this dashboard, let us know here.

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Love this!
Great job!


I like the creative use of Prophix. Nice work!


Very innovative indeed! :+1:


This is really interesting and has sparked some ideas for my business too!


Nice!! I only created an account number to reflect expenses but didn’t do any graphs or charts. I like it


This is awesome! Nice work


Great work! We have our personnel planning model but have not fully configured it. Looking forward to full utilization in the near future, including dashboarding.


Good Idea! I am always trying to figure out other ways we can use Prophix. Some are successful…some not so much.


Great idea. Interesting how it helped you get the buy in of Prophix by the Execs. Nice job! :+1:


@brittany.hess This is so great to see how you have been utilizing Prophix since your initial implementation! What an awesome idea that I’m sure out other customers will love to re-use


@della.giguere.1 Thank you! Hope you’re doing well :slight_smile:


Great work and very innovative use of the tool. Best wishes to all at your organisation.


@monica.sloan, We ended up not building this from our Personnel Planning model in DPM as we originally intended since it’s a bit of a mess. This was built as a generic cube and we only imported employees who met the criteria of the coding system we created:

  1. Confirmed
  2. Recovered/Returned to Work
  3. Pending Test
  4. Negative Test
  5. Self quaratined
  6. Mandated quaratine

@tom.samuelson, Funny that out of all the financial reporting, this is what got them interested :slight_smile: but hey, I’ll take a win for the Finance Team however I can get it :slight_smile:


Interesting. I tried putting together even just a chart on our dashboard for for COVID results by province (for four provinces), as I was tracking it anyways, and I thought it might prove valuable to someone. But I didn’t hear one peep.

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@leana.rupprecht, Trial and error. I probably built, deleted and rebuilt this cube 3 times in a day before I was happy with it!

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This is great use of the dashboard!