Celebrate Black History Month

February is black history month and at Prophix we celebrate by sharing with our employees a curated selection of books, virtual tours, recipes and events that honor black history. Check out some of the activities we have going on this year:

How are you celebrating black history?
Do you have any good recommendations on black food, art, and beyond?
We’d love to hear from you!

I would recommend the movie Just Mercy which is about racial discrimination

Just Mercy was phenomenal!
My favorite is still Get Out. It’s a must-watch for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

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I’m enjoying the Prophix internal site that has a wealth of info to share.

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Good to have a site like this.

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Great information. Thank you.

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Amazing work by producers for Get Out!


I highly recommend “The Help”-the book and movie both.


I’ve learned a lot through NPR’s Code Switch podcast

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Interesting! I haven’t heard of this one - I’ll definitely give it a go :slightly_smiling_face:

For kids I recommend Our Friend Martin, animated Movie with a great cast of wonderful celebrities.

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Great info, thanks for sharing!

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Thank you for sharing!

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Great information, Thanks for sharing!

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Get Out is a great movie to watch

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Thanks for recommending this podcast, very enlightening!

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Amazing post, thanks for sharing!

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I really like Django unchained. Also can the guy who played Cyborg in the justice league get his own movie

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@ryan.betelak, haha you’re a DC guy I see :stuck_out_tongue:
I completely agree! He was soooo good in the Snyder cut.

The movie Mudbound was really good. It’s on Netflix.

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