Workflow Processes

You know, I love workflows, I think they’re pretty cool, and are great for budgeting / forecasting.

But for some reason, how they work continues to befuddle me. I thought I’d started our OPEX input process on Monday, but heard from one of our terminal managers that it wasn’t showing up for him. Checked with a couple of other guys, nope. Looked at the workflow, didn’t see anything wrong, deleted it and set it up differently, and now I’m pretty sure it’s working b/c the VPFIN just popped in to complain about all the alerts he just got lol.

At any rate, one of those things I really need to understand better, and maybe make a process flow for myself on how to do it.

The sticker that gets me from time to time is changing the dates. If I change the task date first, then realize I need to change the project status date, there have been times when the task date I set first gets adjusted to a future date so it doesn’t start right away. It’s easy to miss, especially since in my kind, I just set that date! So I always got through a doublecheck of dates.

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