WHY model manager is changing ITSELF

Hi Prophix group,

Our model manager is changing without any reason. Is there anyone who had the same issue before.

Accounts were changed from calculations to inputs with no one changing them, which really caused worries and troubles.

Thank you.


That seems unusual. Have you checked to see if your accounts ‘vary by rule set’? In this case the account calculation could be different in a Plan vs Actual version, but I don’t think they can change with an administrator doing it.

I had defaults changing from a specific member to “All” whenever a publish failed. This usually occurs for me when I am trying (and failing) to build a specific type of MDX formula. Is anyone playing in MDX?

Hi @gloria.zhang

I just wanted to circle back on this issue. Did you end up resolving this?

hi Sydney,

Thanks for asking. We are keeping track of the model manager internally and fixed the ones that were changed. Will close this ticket.

But a sharing with the group that we should always double check the revision before publishing it as sometimes the previous change was incorrectly made by accident.

Thanks again!

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thanks for your help David!

Hi @gloria.zhang,

If you are still wondering about this, the issue could be related to exporting and importing dimensions into another cube. We reached out on this and were told that if you import a dimension with a calculated field, it will automatically change it to Input within the ‘Import’ cube. The ‘Export’ cube will maintain the calculation for the given dimension.

Thanks for your help Chris! Wondering if there is any way to avoid that?
