Virtual Summit Chat - Beyond Financial Reports: Unique Use Cases

Hi, everyone! I’m excited to present with Solutions Architect @peter.chau at the virtual summit this year.

We’ll share our perspectives on using non-financial data in Prophix. Currently at Presbyterian SeniorCare, we’re exploring the correlations of our census and staffing data to our financial data. Our goal? To use the daily census and staff logs to help us proactively change our spending behaviors before the financial data is realized.

Prior to COVID-19, we had grand plans to expand our non-financial use of Prophix. I would love to hear about any non-financial applications that users like you have incorporated - especially if you plan to attend our session!

To access the recorded version of our session, visit this URL and enter the same credentials you used on the day of the Virtual Summit. Enter the Theater section. Then go to Breakouts, find the session name, and click 'Watch On Demand.'

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Hey Mike! - We use Seats, Headcount, Payroll hours to create new measures like Revenue per hour, cost per seat and training cost per new hire.
10,000+ ee’s, Customer Care in all verticals


Hi! We have the following non financial metrics:

Vacant bed
Licensed capacity
Preferred program capacity
Cost per unit
And more!


I plan to attend! We currently use non-financial data to track projects and headcount but would always like to find new ways to connect our data in Prophix.

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We use non-financial data like FTEs (provider and non-provider), visits (provider and non-provider), and prescription data.


Looking forward to hearing other uses for Prophix! We currently track our donation statistics for monthly reporting and forecasting/budgeting from those actual stats.

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Thanks Tim - do you manually key in the metrics or are you able to pull the data in?

Emily do you use the data more for dashboards or along with monthly financial reports?

A little bit of both. I have some reports that combine both financial and non financial data. And then dashboards use both as well.

We’ve setup our other reporting systems to drop data as CSV or XLSX files into the Prophix Shared folder - and import them monthly.

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We use FTE’s but would love to use vacant bed etc I would love new ideas!!

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Our main use of non financial data is headcount but am also interested in hearing what other non financial data other Prophix clients are using.

@mike.stokes, I’m new to Prophix so my database is still in is entry level development. Currently it’s mostly financial with a few “flags” (1 or 0) to represent which jobs are in which stages of our development methodology as a rough way to count how much we have active for any month.

USA Properties is a developer/property manager.
I have plans to expand the model to include types of assets deployed to which types of units in each community; counts of trouble tickets by brand/type; occupancy and vacancy rates, also by community and unit type; parking spaces by type (covered, non-covered, handicap, EV); solar unit capacity and generation; as well as profile/attribute data like who the manager is, who our maintenance agreements are with, etc.

this would be a new venture for me but we have a significant amount of customs reporting to do which will change in 2021, and I should be able to leverage Prophix for that.

Including, I might add, a fair amount of non-financial information e.g. commodity code and weight or quantity.

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We have a whole subset of accounts for non-financial statistical data, such as patron count, venue covers, units, etc. that we use in reporting as well as drivers for our budgets.

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Hi Mike, we at CABA (Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association) are new to Prophix, we have just moved over our financial and non-financial data onto the platform. As their Business Analyst, I am responsible for the non-financial aspect and enabling our operational reporting to continue and expand on this platform. Our end goal is to have our measures drive one another so the non financial forecasts for operational performance will inform the budgets ad financial spend. As someone who does not have a background in finance I am really interested in everything your session specifically has to offer, excited for next week and will definitely be attending yours and Peter’s session!

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Hi Mike,

we use a lot of payroll non financial metrics such as hours, headcount, stat holidays etc and delivery metrics such lead time, no.of deliveries etc. It would be great to understand how you are planning to incorporate census data.

Looking forward to your session. We currently use headcount and subscribers. We are in the process of using ratings. We are a 3 channel television broadcast service.

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We use headcount and membership in our ledger, but our customer profitability model tracks quite a few operational metrics (clinical sessions, hours, effort %, and case loads).

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