Premise Health contracts with companies to provide direct primary care for their employees and their dependents. Premise delivers care at an employer’s campus, virtually, and/or in a “nearsite” setting (meaning they set up a stand-alone clinic in the community).
@rob.perry is the Prophix admin for Premise and he’s very active on this hub. When he indicated on Red Carpet that Premise uses Prophix and Salesforce together, we reached out to learn more. Here is our conversation with Rob about that!
What business goals were you trying to address by connecting Salesforce with Prophix?
We were trying to get a long-term look at revenue and gross profit growth across a 3-5 year timeframe. Previously, we had used Excel to track our expected growth in revenue and gross profit from new sales.
Our sales reps track revenue and gross profit in Salesforce for the opportunities in the pipeline and assign a probability weighting to each opportunity. Using our Long Term Planning Cube / Detailed Planning Manager (DPM) in Prophix we took the probability weightings and calculated expected revenue/gross profit for each opportunity. We were also able to assign site types and discount the revenue/GP based on the uncertainty created by the time to sale close/implementation.
In theory, this would allow us (and our investors) to accurately predict our organic growth in that 3-5 year window.
Did you require a lot of preparation to get the systems working together properly? Which roles were involved in that – or did you mostly do that yourself?
We needed help making sense out of everything coming out of Salesforce, getting it to the point where we could easily import it into Prophix. As we were new to the DPM world, we needed help setting up the calculations, which we got from Jerin, our Prophix Consultant.
Since go-live, have you had to do any additional work to maintain the Salesforce integration?
Our first attempt at this didn’t actually take, so we have since stopped running the process to update DPM. We are currently going through a reimplementation of Salesforce, however, and once that is complete we will look to fully integrate Salesforce with Prophix in order to accomplish our long-term planning goals.
Can you tell us about some of the feedback you have received (internal at Premise Health or external) for seeing this project through?
We have received tremendous feedback on the idea. Firm leadership is excited to have accurate and traceable long-term planning up and running so they can make better decisions for the 5-year horizon.
That’s very intriguing. We will definitely keep in touch with you to monitor the progress of this project. Thanks for taking the time to speak with us, Rob!
If you have thoughts on Premise’s use of Salesforce and Prophix together, let us know here. Perhaps you have an interesting integration of your own.