Row Notes or Comments for Variance Analysis

What do you prefer? Row Notes or Comments?? We have been using comments, but since these do not export from Prophix, our IT has to pull the info using SQL. Re-creating new reports in SQL will be very time consuming. Just curious if anyone has switched from comments to row notes successfully.

Comments. That way you can have multiple notes on a single row without confusing things or making the report too wide. Also looking forward to the tagging functionality mentioned at the conference.


I currently use both row notes and comments. I use comments to attach excel files to that were used during our budgeting process. I recently started to use Row Notes to keep track of variance analysis. I love both and I think they each have great uses!


I like both and agree with others comments that they are both helpful for separate purposes. In your case it would seem helpful and more effective to use what does export! (At least until other alternatives are available)

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We’re using row-notes all over the place. Love that they’re global, and everyone can access them in real-time when they refresh their templates.


I have not used either of them yet but want to give them a try after reading the comments.


We use comments in our budgeting; haven’t tried either for variance analysis but will be investigating both. Thanks for the idea!

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We are just getting started with Prophix and will be rolling it out to our departments in October. I can see the benefits of using both.


I use comments to record where the cell’s information came from or how it was determined. I use row notes to explain the row.


I’ve recently started using row notes for the monthly variance report and really like it. I typically put comments in the individual departments rather than overall, so it doesn’t get too messy. The senior VP I work with wants things presented to him quickly and to the point, so having the character restriction helps me stick to the highlights. It’s also nice to be able to have a one page report to give him with everything he needs to know for the month.


To the best of my knowledge, we’ve used only comments. However, it would probably be more appropriate for us to start using row notes in the manner that Ken S suggests.


We only use comments, but I would like to introduce row notes next year. Need to test that out, but sound great!


the key is to NOT have too many notes to ruin the navigation of the report


We currently only use comments, but would like to start using row notes as well for variances.


Comments. But I would like to start using row notes more

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Depends on the use case. Sounds like you are better off using row notes.


usually comments as they present better, ie possible to have multiple notes on a single row


I used comments in the prior year but budget owners found that the comments were not enough “in their face”. So switching to row notes instead. Does anyone know how to create a header for the row notes?


Our team has gotten into the habit of using row notes, especially during month end to investigate variances for both business reasons, and possible accounting issues. My only quandary is that I would love a way to just pull them out so the finance team can dig into them more efficiently, rather than browsing through the individual branch location statements.


We haven’t used either as yet but plan to in the future now that more employees will be using Prophix

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