Reporting on Shopify data

I wanted to see if there is anyone out there that has their ERP system integrated with Shopify and has the ability to create reports in Prophix or a direct Prophix/Shopify integration where you are reporting directly from Shopify without having the data in your ERP.
We are increasing the use of Shopify and would like to start creating reports in Prophix so we can better calculate margins and have product sales reports.
If you do; can you drop a line on how that is working for you?

Thank you

Hi @leszek.lester.walkowicz,

Since you have a CSP I would recommend submitting a ticket with our Integration team as a starting point. One of our engineers would be happy to help.
I’ll also feature this discussion on our carousel to see if any of our customers would be interested in joining this conversation.

Hello, Lester!

We currently do not use Shopify for our main company sales however, we use Shopify for our company store. We do not have this integrated with Prophix, but I am sure we could start with a monthly Sales import into Prophix to review sales/products for the month. Currently, Shopify does not integrate with Prophix automatically, but I am sure they could walk you through some alternatives/best practice to gather the information you need.
Sydney had a wonderful suggestion, submitting a ticket with your CSP. We have reached out to our CSP over the years for customizations and they are always more than willing to help or set us in the right direction.

Best of luck!
Sabrina D.

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Thank you @sydney.hoareau and @sabrina.deyoung for your reply. I did reach out to my CSP manager and she is looking into it.
My main objective was to see if anyone is using Shopify and if they are using any Shopify experts/consultants to help them set up Shopify.
I would however want our company to do 100% of our sales in Shopify before we start integrating our ERP with Prophix.


We currently do not use Shopify for our main company sales. Would not be compatible within our business environment

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We do not use shopify for our company.

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No Idea about shopify and do not use shopify .

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We do not use shopify for our company.

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not currently using Shopify and we’re mainly b2b sales right now, but we’ve got a B2C project in the pipeline for next year and Shopify is shortlisted for the selling platform. I’m interested to see where this discussion goes.

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We don’t use Shopify currently.

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Not yet using shopify but in the process of considering it as an alternative to our incumbent. A great addition if integrated with prophix!

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Thank you for the information.

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We do not use shopify for our company. Integration is the best way; but If the integration is not possible, then I would suggest using Prophix’s cube capabilities… and design a cube based on a raw data upload. We did this with our BI tool and then you can slice and dice data in prophix and build reports.


This is helpful thanks @bilal.surahyo.

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