Reducing balance depreciation


It’s my first delve into Detailed Planning and I need to create a formula for depreciating fixed assets on a 10% reducing balance basis. I want to show how the asset value depreciates each year where the annual depreciation is 10% of the NBV from the previous year, spread equally over each month.
I’m sure it’s simple enough when you know how…but I don’t…and I’m hoping you do :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance!

Hi Alan,

There are a few ways of doing this. At an asset level, you should be able to use a combination of calc type (formula, accumulate, etc.) to calculate the value and spread thru the fiscal year. Best to reach out to a Product Adoption consultant and book a session to have them guide you thru it.

If you would like to add a specific example on how you would do this calculation offline, I am happy to try to give you more context on how to convert that into a DPM calculation.


That is good to know. Thanks for sharing.

Hi all,

I found a workaround by using the Anniversary Increase function with a negative percentage value. It’s limited to 6 years of course but that will be fine for my application.

Many thanks for your help.



Glad you were able to find a solution, and thanks for sharing it with us.

We don’t currently track assets in Prophix but are considering it in the future so this thread is helpful! Thanks to all who have offered advice.

Thanks. This helps with understanding

Thanks for the detailed explanations. We aren’t using this now, but may in the future.