Not-for-Profit Group - Meetup Following the Virtual Summit?

It was great meeting with the NFP group at the Virtual Summit. At the end of the meeting, we chatted about finding a place to continue these conversations and meet up in the future, virtually or in-person (whenever that returns). I was hoping to get this section going in Red Carpet so you can discover how others use Prophix in your industry.

There are no bad questions, so feel free to reach out to other Not-for-Profit group members on the Red Carpet discussion forum. Just hit ‘New Topic’ and select Not-for-Profit as the category. Your discussion post will only be visible to other Not-for-Profit users and will remain on the hub for ease of access in the future. Let’s all help each other out! :blush:

I also wanted to gauge interest in a virtual meet-up sometime at the end of November or beginning of December.

If you’re interested, let us know what you’d hope to learn during an NFP video chat! We need to build an agenda, after all.

Hi, Nicole! I do not see “Open Draft” anywhere on Red Carpet…where is that?

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Hi, Donna. I’m just chiming in here in case @nicole.o.halloran doesn’t notice your comment immediately - because I wanted to adjust Nicole’s post asap to avoid future confusion. I think we meant to say click on ‘New Topic.’


Looking forward to connecting with our NFPs! I will throw out the first few questions.

  1. NFP is pretty broad and covers many sectors. What sector are you in: Health Services, Educational Services, Services, Arts & Culture, Social & Legal Services, other?
  2. Do you track data such as gifts in-kind vs grants?
  3. What it the #1 thing Prophix helped you with that you want to share with other NFPs?

I would be interested in connecting with other agencies that serve individuals with intellectual disabilities.

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I am interested in the non-profit forum. Forgotten Harvest is a food rescue organization and we are new to Prophix.


Hello! Yes, I am definitely interested in networking with other NFPs using Prophix. We just started our implementation phase so I would love to hear how you use Prophix. I am in the Food Bank sector. One of the challenges that we would like Prophix to help us is with inventory planning and allocations.


It would be nice to hear from other agencies how they are using Prophix in the non-profit realm.


I would participate. We are a not for profit television broadcaster operating out of Toronto, Canada. I am always interested in learning how others are utilizing Prophix.

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If there is a recorded version, would be great for us to see it as a learning tool :slight_smile:

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I’m in, especially interested to connect with any other NFP’s in Europe.