NISC Document Vault

Implementing Prophix now. Use NISC as our ERP. Does anyone have this ERP and access document vault to actually retrieve images of invoices when you drill across in Prophix?

Hi, @michael.curley! Thanks for posting your question. This might be another opportunity to ask for an assist from our friend @brad.taylor.

We have the same ERP and utilize DocVault. However, we have not integrated the image lookup functionality into the Drill Across feature. We previously integrated with 3rd party imaging solution (ImageNow), prior to converting to DocVault, so it is a missed feature.


Hi, Brad thanks for responding! I’m curious to see if other customers respond to Michael’s question, citing their own experience with NISC and Document vault. From the REC implementation, we may end up being the trail blazers who can provide insights to other NISC customers going forward.


I’m interested in the general topic of displaying document images as part of drill-across, regardless of the erp. What feature in Prophix are you making use of for this?

@brad.taylor, you mentioned you did it previously with a different erp. What did that setup look like from the Prophix side?


Our prior Document Management System was browser based, with a fairly simple URL structure. We could build the URL using the vendor # and invoice # from our accounting software, display that URL in Drill Across, and then click the URL in Prophix to launch the document in the browser.


Thanks for the input so far. We are working with NISC to utilize their API to be able to access the DocVault tables and see invoices right from Prophix. I will keep you posted on how successful we are.

Tha ms for that, Brad. Exactly the description I was looking for. I’m planning to make use of a similar setup ourselves and had wondered if there was a Prophix feature I didn’t know about that I could take advantage of instead.