Help! Revenue Account Displaying incorrectly

I am a fairly new user. I am working on a new data view and when I check my resulting figures, there is one revenue account that is showing as a negative amount and the other revenue accounts show as positive amounts. I looked in model manager and the account is set up the same as the other revenue accounts. What am I missing here? Thank you.

How did you get the data in? Was it all imported at the same. From the same file?

In rhe data import process, there’s an option for flipping signs on either debit or credit accounts. If you imported this field at a different time from the others for some reason, its possible the options weren’t consistent for both imports.

If thats not the case, then check that the value really shouldn’t be negative. If its a loss of revenue balance, it should really show as a negative number.

Depending upon your replies we may have kore questions or suggestions.

It is definitely a revenue item and my data is automatically brought imported daily so it wasn’t just one entry brought in separate from the rest of my data. I did have the account set up incorrectly in model manager and then I did fix it and published the update however it did not change my resulting data in my report. Wondering if it will be a problem for just this one entry and then any others going forward will be correct now that I have fixed the account in model manager? And if so, how do I correct this one amount? Thank you for your reply.

I would run a remove data process for the time period in question. Also run an Optimize process Then import the data back in. If there is still a problem, then there is likely a problem with your source data (GL).

I have found quite a few journal entry errors since we have been using Prophix!

In that case, just rerun the import process with the same file. Changing the model attributes doesn’t change data already imported; in only affects future imports.

Hi Nicole,

Can you confirm if Account default sign and format is same as others in Model Manager?

Is the value same as other in Source System?


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