Gaining Deeper Insight into Your Data with Automated AI

Each company is unique and requires different commentaries for different reports. We have taken the first steps with Prophix AI insights to help automate your commentary processes through,

  • Chart Insights: Describing the data in your chart with a push of a button.
  • Contribution Insights: Trend and Breakdown Analysis on a chosen data point.
  • Report Insights: First steps in taking AI driven narration and inserting into row notes.

Let us know what other types of commentary you would like to see and the types of reports they would go into in the comments section below.

Thanks, and we look forward to shaping the future of AI analysis and commentary with you!

The recorded session can be viewed on Prophix Academy
Click here

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Report insights indeed look pretty cool. Can’t wait.

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This looks like a great start. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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I did It was an interesting presentation

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Great presentation!
The report insights look awesome! Being able to insert into row notes would speed up our variance reporting process by providing the narrative for our monthly memo.
It would be interesting to see similar variance or difference insights between to difference years or a forecast vs. actuals.

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Thanks Jessica!

Depending on how the dataview on your template is built, in addition to some of the characteristics of your model, it may be possible to deliver the insights you are after for forecast v actuals, and Current vs Prior Year comparisons.

We are looking forward to showing you what its capable of!

Watched the session on Demand since I had meetings at the office that conflicted with this session.

We are in the process of migrating to the Cloud so this was very timely and helpful information for us.

Thank you.

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Can’t wait to get hands on with the AI feature!

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AI integrated in cloud will take any company into the future

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Thank you fir this intriguing presentation!

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Really think the AI could be quite useful!

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