February 2021 Product Adoption Tip: ‘Keep Legacy Employees’ Feature in Detailed Planning Manager

’Keep Legacy Employees’ is an option you can use in Detailed Planning Manager (DPM), which lets you keep an employee even after they are no longer part of your organization. We will run through a scenario here that uses the function for personnel planning, but the lesson would also apply for CapEx planning, where the nomenclature would change to ‘Keep Legacy Assets,’ or any other form of operational planning.

When you delete a scenario, employees corresponding to that scenario delete from the Personnel Cube when you post the data. The ‘Keep Legacy Employees’ option will enable you to keep the employees and their data in the cube even after you have deleted the scenario. This option will help you to run historical reports that include former employees.

The benefit of this feature is that it lets you accurately compare your historical records to your current records. This function can help you for auditing purposes as well.


  1. We have started with a ‘Budget-2020’ scenario and now we have a new scenario, ‘Covid 19-2020.’
  2. With the ‘Budget-2020’ scenario, we had the following employees in the Personnel Cube.
  3. Now let’s assume management has asked us to…
    A. Delete ‘Budget-2020’ scenario
    B. Delete Wayne Bell and David Gate from DPM, as the company has let them go. The new ‘Covid-19-2020’ scenario looks like this…
  4. At this point, before posting the data, you have two options:
    A. You post the data and the employee list will update in your Personnel Cube. It will look like this…
    B. The other option is to keep the old employees in the Personnel Cube as is, even when you delete the scenario. To do that, you have to select the checkbox for the ‘Keep Legacy Employee’ option.

    By selecting the checkbox and then posting data, you will still see the old employees listed in the Personnel cube (even after deleting the scenario).

As mentioned above, you can use this option if you want to run historical reports or if you want to keep legacy data for auditing purposes.

Let us know what you think about this feature!

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I love this. Such a great tip. We are about to begin budget season so this is perfect timing.


Good to know. As an accountant it can be traumatic when deleting data.


We reuse position numbers and that is what we use for budgeting. Will this prevent us from creating a legacy employee if the new employee is given the same position ID as a legacy employee?

Hi Heather- Great question! You wont able to store two employees (objects) with the same key as each employee needs to have a unique key.

We do not currently use Prophix for HR

You’re right this feature is for Detailed Planning Manager (DPM). Is there a particular reason why you are not using Prophix for your employee planning? Also, DPM really is a resource planning tool. So you can leverage it do your Capex planning, property planning or any other resource planning.

Great information.

Thank you

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We’re implementing DPM in our employee budgeting and tracking. This is good to know

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Will the legacy employees show in future planning reports?

Interesting read - maybe something to consider when we do our Q2 Forecast.

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I love these tips with all the pictures! Very helpful!

This is very good tips especially with the planning calc.

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Never thought about this before…great tip!

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Hi Heather,
Sorry missed your question. Yes, if you have switch ON the option, you can build a report on legacy employees.


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This is a very interesting tip! Thank you for the tip and for being awesome Aakash!

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Putting these together is very helpful, fun reading through to see what will apply to my position.

This is very practical advice. Thank you!

This is good to know. Thanks Aakash for the explanation.

Thanks for the practical advice!