February 2020 Product Adoption Tip: Automate Time Period Selections

It’s a new year, is it possible to update the dates (a.k.a time dimension) in my many templates, data views, and/or processes to reflect the new reporting/planning period(s)?

The short answer is yes! If you have used named sets then you simply need to update your named sets in one location and all templates, data view and/or processes that use those named set will be updated.

To update your named sets:

  • Open Model Manager
  • Click on your time dimension.
  • From the Time drop down list select Time - Named Set


  • Locate and click on the named set you want to update
  • In the Named Set Properties pane on the right side of the screen, clock on the image button (highlighted in this screen shot) to open the Member Selector window


  • Change the current time period to the new time period. In this example we have updated the Current Year Months named set from 2019.LeafDescendats to 2020.LeafDescendants


  • Click ok at the bottom of the Member Selector window
  • Click file and Save Dimension.
  • For the changes to commit (be visible in templates, data views and/processes) you will need to run a publish process. You can do this from the Actions menu in the dimension or in Process Manager. A publish puts a lock on the cube so if users are logged in and entering data or accessing templates they may notice a lag while the process runs.

Note that the use of named sets is not limited to the time dimension. Similar concepts can be applied to other dimensions in your cube(s).

Great information. Very helpful

Used this to update our forecasts every year

Thank you for this. Would it be possible to make name set dynamic so rest update automatically e.g. we update forecast year 1 and year 2,3 and etc update automatically?

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Hi Amir,

Unfortunately, we are not able to do this with today’s functionality. However, someone has put in this request on our Feedback Forum: link here.

I can’t recall if I had mentioned the Feedback Forum to you during one of our recurring CSP calls, but our Feedback portal is where you can put in functionality requests. You can also look at other people’s requests and vote on ideas. The portal is regularly monitored by our Product team - majority of the functionality you see has come directly from customer requests! If you haven’t already, I’d highly recommend you create an account to the Feedback portal. Once you create an account, you should receive an activation link within a few days. If you haven’t received it after a few days, just let us know and we can check for you.

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Love using name sets. I use these in my processes to easily update from version and time period.

We use Name Sets quite a lot. We have a list that we update each month.

Updating named sets as part of our model maintenance was instilled in me as part of our implementation, however I never considered using the concept in other dimensions other than time, this has got me thinking now!! Thank you

it’s nice to have the sum of named set, which is not available currently.

We are already using this feature, but thank you for sharing !

We use this feature a lot. Very useful for grouping.

We use named sets a ton! Very very useful!

We use name sets very heavily…makes our job much easier!

This makes our monthly reports easier - espeically those reports that are pre-automated for our users to received each month. Means I have less “maintaining” to do when we use the timed named sets.

We update named sets on a monthly basis for some cubes, and annually in others. Makes reporting smoother for sure.

Named Sets are a great tool!

This is a great tip. Named Sets can save a lot of time.

Good information. Very helpful!

Very useful, but if your team refers to prior year reports regularly be sure to create a template using prior year as a named set.

Thanks for this helpful information.