Feature Request: Copy Dimension

I thought I’d add a feature request here to see what others think. I expect this is not the official way to request product enhancements, but it is a good place to get community feedback related to how popular it would be.

When creating a cube’s dimensions, I currently have options to create a brand new one or share one from another cube. Sharing from another cube creates a link with dependencies between the cubes, which is helpful to be sure that updates to one cube’s dimensional structure are represented in the other cube(s) sharing that dimension. It also means that publishing one cube must publish all shared cubes at the same time.

I find that I want to create cubes with like dimensions, but I can usually afford to keep the hierarchies in sync using nightly scheduled jobs (at least in theory–I’m very new to Prophix).

A new feature I would find very useful would be to create a dimension in my new cube as a “clone” of a dimension in another cube. The idea would be that the structure, custom member properties, alternate hierarchies, and the members themselves would copy over, but not be linked back to the source. To me it seems like this would be a great time-saver when creating a cube while adding tremendous value in making it “easy” and “accessible” to get a solid starting point.

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Hi, @bob.smiley. The best place to offer feedback of this type is at the Prophix Feedback Forum! Here is the link to post your comments. http://feedback.prophix.com/

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Mark, I’ve tried this link multiple times and have followed the instructions—each time I get the message that my login doesn’t have access to that site. Can you help me to see if I’ve done something wonky that’s prohibited my access?

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Bob, thanks for following up with me. I’ve contacted a Customer Success Manager, who will follow up with you shortly.

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I’m in; thanks Mark.

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I’m glad it worked out, @bob.smiley!