Favourite Things

I think Red Carpet is becoming my favorite thing about Prophix. Not actually a product feature, but definitely helps me think more like a “Prophixteer”!


Thank you for saying that, @bob.smiley! Your check is in the mail. :laughing:

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@mark.behar: I know, it sounds a bit cheesy, right? But seriously, I find myself logging into Red Carpet before and after work, as well as sometimes during the day. (Sometimes even weekends!) I’m in Prophix a lot too, but not quite as much. And depending upon my day’s priorities, I could go whole days without logging into Prophix!


That’s fantastic, @bob.smiley. It’s really important that customers feel heard here - by other customers and by all of us who work at Prophix. And I always want to ensure you have a steady stream of fun and valuable content coming your way.

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