Favourite Things

Excellent product support from Prophix, but also important is the excellent community support from the users!

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I agree with Michael’s initial statement. It is great during budget/forecast season that we can make a change to one or multiple GL’s and see the changes instantly and the effect it has on the overall plan/forecast.


Automated refreshes. We have a reporting cube refresh everyday, more during quarter and year end, same during budget season, we will increase budget cube refreshes and decrease the reporting during that time. Everyone is aware of the timings, but we can also do manual refreshes if needed.


I completely agree with this! It is so nice to slice and dice in different ways!

I love how easy maintaining the “mappings” of accounts to line items is! Simple click & add!

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My “favorite” thing is Report Binder! We used to have to run 8-10 reports and assemble them for distribution. Now we just run a process and get the PDF or Excel file with all the reports we need!


workflow capabilities are great!


yeh i definitely don’t use these enough, something on my priority list i’ve been meaning to utilize more but something else always trumps it. Soon !

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Keep your eyes on the Red Carpet discussion forum for special Report Binder content on the way soon. :eyes:

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My favorite thing is the ability to create a budget report binder that is quickly and very easily updated, each time something in the budget changes. Also, how easy it is to maintain different budget versions during the entire process.


Favorites were fantastic to simplify our user experience. Additionally the workflow functionality made the budget process an easy transition in our first year on Prophix.

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Oh ,good one. I was just talking to a new user this morning, but not before populating his favourites with a suite of common reports !!!

Calculated versions - so easy to get calculated variances etc in Ad Hoc.

And alternate Hierarchies - in the current world being able to categorize locations by Health unit and quickly pull and update the forecast based on closure status is timesaving.

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My favo(u)rite thing keeps changing with the times. C(o)urrently it’s the Detailed Planning Manager. But give me a co(u)ple of weeks and I’ll change my mind.

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I live off the “drill across” function - very handy and most importantly, VERY QUICK in terms of finding the results using this function.


aaahhh yes. ours works pretty well too, though there’s one piece missing that we’re hoping to get put in place in the next month or so that we should’ve done as part of the initial implementation. c’est la vie!

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Brett- How are you doing? Long time!
So, now besides adding a file as a favorite you can also ‘subscribe to a file’. Every time someone makes a change you can be notified.(this is new feature in the most recent release)

Here is more info on that

@michael.senchuk just a thought- you can also bring your one data point from your income statement which you are keeping an eye on to your dashboard using ‘Badge’ and then just ‘subscribe’ to your income statement report. So, ever time there is a change on your income statement you will get notified and you can just come to your dashboard and refresh you Badge. No need to open your entire income statement report!

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ooohhhh, i like that idea, then whenever there’s a refresh in the budgeted net income (and perhaps EBITDA, that’s another one everyone focuses on), it automatically displays the new number. The VPFIN and CFO (and probably the COO too) would love that one. I’m going to make a note right now.

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And to continue that thought, you can create a separate dashboard and assign it to your VP,CFO and COO, then assign your regular dashboard as their favorite and finally bring that favorite on to their dashboard. Something like this

This will allow them to open the regular dashboard with a click if they want to.

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