Data Input for a Lag Factor

I am working on a cube to report retail sales that is currently an offline task. Information is received on a lag that is longer than we can wait to act, so I developed factors for each week between the cutoff date and the future date when data is mostly complete and we call it good.

The cube has a product hierarchy (generic dimension), time is 4-4-5 at the week level, and an account dimension to contain the various measures (units, wholesale revenue, cost measures, etc.) as well as my factors. So for example, I have a members called UnitsRaw, UnitsAvg, and UnitsMax. UnitsAvg = UnitsRaw * AvgFactor and represents where we will likely end up when we lock the period in 6 to 8 weeks based on where we are now and how much the number has grown in the past. Max is just one sigma above avg to add perspective.

The problem I am running into is how to input the data efficiently. For a given month, the same factor is used for all products and all weeks within the month. Each week when I update the report the factor shrinks. For instance, at Jan cutoff date I may use a factor of 150% for Jan. When I add more data the next week, the factor might be 140%. How can I use a data entry template to spead a constant into all intersections of product? I’d like to input one cell for January and spread to the weeks as well, but that’s not a huge deal if they can’t coexist.

Hi @frank.martenies,

Since your question is very specific and you have CSP, I’ve gone ahead and submitted a ticket for you to speak with one of our Product Adoption consultants (ticket # 150779).
You should be able to schedule a call with them early next week to have this resolved.

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Hi @frank.martenies, I agree with Sydney about using CSP for this, but I’d also recommend a different approach, because I’ve been down a similar road. Try using a data entry template to provide values to the account/time intersection at a specific intersection for all other dimensions, then use MDX to pull that value. This makes it more like a Constant that varies by time, where the MDX formula queries the value from this one location for each month.

This approach prevents the user from having to enter the same value in a gazillion intersections.


I had a similar idea to Bob’s. Entering the value in one intersection (say at dummy members for some dimensions) and setting it via mdx to apply to all will make it not just efficient but will save a bunch of data not being infoflexed to all combinations unnecessarily. CSP should be able to help you implement this idea :slight_smile: