Chart Data

Has anyone else had an issue with getting their chart data to display in the format that they want on the chart? I’ve selected the cells in my data view on the template and formatted them with Number Scaling: Millions; however, the numbers do not change to that format on the chart. This is such an easy task in Excel, so I feel like there is something that I’m missing.

I haven’t been able to figure it out in the edit chart window. can you add rows to your data view, add formulas that divide the chart values you want to add by 1 million and change which data you’re referencing?

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You can edit the Value axis display units to millions in SmartClient and it works correctly, but I can’t seem to find the option in the Web Client.


That’s good to know. I will try it on my end.

Not very helpful but I just change my actual data to the millions scale prior to building a chart that way

Hi Heather,
In the Web Client, If you’re looking at making this change in the dashboard, I was able to have the number scaling show up in millions (Clustered Column Chart Type >> Primary Value Axis). Attached is a screenshot.

That said, if you are trying to make this in a chart as part of a template, in that case, I would agree that the option does not exist/allow for this to happen.

Hope this helps.



Try having a row below which will divide numbers you want to displayed by 1mil and make a chart from that row. You can always hide that row, if it’s ruining the esthetics of your template (one of the options is to make all numbers white). Let me know if that works for you.

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I agree with Dan’s response and work around. Seems very logical to me!

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As per previous comments, the option to scale chart values currently doesn’t exist within Templates, but you can easily stage the data within the template to derive the desired result.

Sounds like a pretty frustrating dilemma, hope you get it figured out.

Always frustrating when things don’t turn out as you had hoped. Curious to know if the input helped you figure this out!

Your screen shot shows that the scales are set to millions, but the bars themselves are still at the dollar level. There doesn’t seem to be a way to use a display format for the actual data values, so scaling the data must take place in the template cells/values rather than being a mere format setting.

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Hi Bob, yes, you’re right. The data values can only be shown in their absolute values.

Thank you everyone for your feedback. What I wound up doing was underneath the data view information, I created formulas to pull in those values and then format them the way I wanted and then I created my graph from that new data. When I was finished, I hid those rows so all you see is the graph. Not the prettiest way to build a graph, but it gave me the result I want and the data will refresh anytime the numbers are updated.


I’ve ended up doing quite a few charts like this; our turnover, for example.

Thank you Heather for sharing your use case and thank you all for the suggestions.

Please log in to the feedback forum to add your case and vote for the request. This will be more visible to the product team to analyze it.

Thank you