Building Intuitive Dashboards

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this session at our Virtual Summit about building intuitive Dashboards. The objectives covered in the presentation were as follows:

Objective 1: Create an intuitive homepage for users that provides a quick snapshot of key metrics that track the company’s financial health.

Objective 2: A quick one stop shop for users to access their tasks, reports and more. A streamlined process that paints a picture worth a thousand words.

Objective 3: Transform the way you interact with different groups within your organization by assigning multiple dashboards to users, increasingly visibility across the organization.

I hope to keep the momentum going in trying to help you accomplish the objectives listed above. What are some ways you are currently using some of the functionalities mentioned in the session?

Are you currently using the Chart insights feature? Our team would be happy to speak further on the AI bundle you can opt into if interested.

Is there something new you would like to see for dashboards? Let’s hear your thoughts!

Remember the three golden rules:

  1. Define your audience!
  2. Dashboard visuals matter!
  3. Keep it simple, data should be presented in a quick and easy to scan format!

If you participated in this session, I encourage you to continue the conversation here with your Prophix peers to share tips and tricks! Cheers!

The recorded session can be viewed on Prophix Academy
Click here

Interesting presentation for adding dashboard insights

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Good presentation, dude. I peeked in for a bit.

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Enjoyed seeing Jesse’s dashboards … very simple very informative.
And enjoyed this technical insight: Multiple Groups for the individual creates the opportunity for multiple dashboards (however, only one can be seen at a time)
Thank You, Ray


Good work on the presentation. Very informative. Enjoying watching Jessie’s presentation. We currently do not have any dashboards (beside the Custom dashboard) but will be setting aside some time to develop some interesting dashboards with your information you have provided.

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I watched this on demand later (timezone issues) and it’s very useful. Now to get around to fixing some problems with my current prophix dashboard that have been glaring at me for far too long.
Thank you very much!

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I have a question on dashboards.
Can you have several dashboards for one user?
If so, how do they show up so you can access a different dashboard when you want to look at different information?

Hi Wendell. Yes, you can create multiple dashboards for a user. You can assign them to their Favourites. If Favourites Manager is visible on their main Dashboard, they will be able to click and access the required dashboard from the Favourites Manager.


Will definitely keep this information in mind when creating dashboards for my end users!

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Enjoyed this session - hoping to implement some of what I learned into our setup

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I watched this on the replay! We have several dashboards for several users, these tips will come in handy. Thanks for putting this together and the time taken to present!

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The hardest thing is including only the most crucial components within the snapshot. There’s so much possibility

I was unfortunately not able to attend this session!

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