Automatically Output a DPM Schedule

I’m using Distribute Report Binder processes to do a nightly backup of our main Template forms during our annual budget process…

Is there a way to do the same with our DPM Schedule forms? I can open a Schedule then File > Excel to export what I want. Is there a way to do that automatically like I’m doing with Templates and Reports?


Hi Jerry,

One way to get to your result is to
a) Add the attributes as a member property to post/store in the DPM Cube,
b) Setup a schedule to post on a regular basis (say nightly),
c) Create a template off the DPM cube that includes these member properties and their corresponding values (i.e. in the format of your schedule),
d) Setup a Report Binder to use this template to distribute
e) Run this Report binder process thru process manager

Hope this helps,


Very clever, @navin.sadarangani.1!

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Thanks, Mark. Gotta make the best of the tool right :slight_smile:

Hi Navin,

Thanks for the suggestion. I briefly headed down that path, but I wasn’t successful at getting the custom member properties to display in the DPM cube. Knowing that it’s doable, I’ll try again and get some help from our PX consultant if I get stuck.

I’ve only used custom member properties a few times, but one of the limitations I’ve seen is that when making a data view, you can only select one member (or perhaps it’s correctly referred to as an alternate hierarchy) of a dimension, per axis.

If I add five attributes as member properties of my “Project” dimension, and successfully pass them to my DPM Cube, will it be possible to place all five on the Column axis of a data view to emulate my schedule?

Hi Jerry,

You’re welcome.

You should be able to have more than 1 member property show up on your template. In the data view, you’re right, you can’t see more than one. But in a template, you should be able to clone a row / column multiple times (5 if you will) and have it display different properties of your DP Object (which I assume is your “Project” dimension).


Ah…that’s a great idea. Thanks again!

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Most welcome, Jerry. Hopefully it works out for you. Cheers!