I would love to see some more advanced functionality within the Workflow Manager. It is very useful, however compared to tools such as Microsoft Power Automate, it is much more difficult to use and not as advanced. It would also be helpful to be able to have re-scheduling functionality incorporated into Workflows, as opposed to simply re-using (i.e. re-saving a previous Workflow).
I would do anything for the ability to disable posting DPM data when the DPM workflow task is submitted.
Ability to be able to have multiple groupings on Dashboards. Example, 3 tiles are connected in a certain way. 5 tiles are connected in a different way.
Ability to determine the order in which dimension members are shown in pages/filters in a Dashboard.
Ability to have button function on a report that can be linked to task of process manager, such as updating live data.
Ability to import Line item schedules in to Prophix.
I’m interested in making processes more automatable, and making those automated processes less prone to errors.
- setting version attributes as part of a process manager task.
- enabling a “process variable” that allows me to set a variable once and reuse it in multiple process steps; this would enable consistency across multiple steps ensuring they’re working with the sale member selections or dates.
- allowing a process to call another process, like a subroutine; this reduces the need to manually recreate a process that works in order to merge it with another process; this in turn reduces the likelihood of making a mistake when recreating the myriad of process steps.
- allowing named sets to be based on other named sets (or, if technologically infeasible, perhaps a “virtual named set” which might not be a true named set but something that named sets can reference as a basis)
- allow for workflows to invoke/start other workflows
- allow for a recurring workflow to start on a scheduled basis rather than having to manually adjust parameters and kick it off each cycle
- allow for a “continuous cycle” workflow, or “auto-restart”, which will start a workflow again as soon as it’s completed
- allow for importing DPM tables such as global vectors, lookup calculation tables, and list attribute contents
By the way, I love the recent enhancements along these lines that you’ve already done:
- importable mapping tables
- DPM workflow enhancements
And the like.
The ability to stop an Ad Hoc view from refreshing.
- to allow it to be better defined, especially if the refresh is taking too long,
- because I clicked on the Ad Hoc Tab by accident and now I need to wait for it to refresh before I can move on to the tab I was actually trying to get to, It’s left open because I do want to go back to verify my other changes (Infoflexes etc)
I think it should be able to read my mind
I love this, LOL!!!
Copy and paste feature in Design Mode could us enhancements.
MDX Formula training or templates. Since Prophix uses MDX Formulas it would be really useful to have a high level overview or a few “templates” of MDX formulas to use!
Calculated Accounts that transfer between Cubes.
Because of security and possible overwriting issues, we utilize one cube for importing our data from our accounting software and then transfer it into another cube where everyone has access to. By doing this, the cubes have to be identical. The issue we are having is keeping calculated accounts from resetting every time we update the cubes (which is at least twice a day).
Just food for thought.
Ability to sort on more than one field in DPM Schedules.
increased efficiency in design mode
Set default attribute value on a DPM schedule. We use DPM for Capital Expense planning and have multiple asset schedules - one for each office location. Since Location is one of the required attributes for every asset, we must set a value in Location when creating a new asset but since each DPM schedule is unique to the Location, it would be ideal if the schedule could automatically set the Location to a default value. We don’t want to set the default value in the Attribute itself because it would vary depending on the DPM schedule we are using.
In Template Studio, it would be nice if the currency symbol could change automatically on a report based upon the selected Currency dimension.
dashboard charts - we need to be able to create custom ranges for the axes. Sometimes the defaults just don’t give us the ‘look’ we need on our charts.
I’m thinking about how to create Cubes with Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) derail entries into the Prophix. Since April 2022, we have had to keep records related to the ARO. It is a continual process, i.e. Inflation rate calculation to FV and discounted rate to PV, amortization of ARO Assets, Accretion expenses-ARO and ARO Liabilities. If anyone has already thought about the ARO implementation process in Prophix, please share your ideas.
I would like to be able to expand the process building window in process manager
I would love to expand the process manager tool bar so that I could see my process steps that have longer names. Many of our processes are lengthy and complex, so being able to expand this window would be extremely helpful and would also save me time when trying to locate a specific step.