July 2020 Product Adoption Tip: Retaining Template Formatting and/or Formulas When Updating Dimension Member Selection(s)

This is an excellent feature. I hope people make sure to read these tips each month. Something that I am trying to be better about.

Hi @brett.nolinske, as part of your CSP subscription you CSM sends monthly notifications with general info on the goings-on at Prophix as well as a link to the monthly tips. You can set it and forget it! Glad you are finding them useful.

I’m new to report building and finding these tips helpful, can’t wait to put them to good use!

A great tip, thank you!

This is so helpful. I have wasted so much time in the past reformatting a template after making changes to a dimension member.

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This is great thank you

This should be taught to every new Prophix customer when they are taught how to build reports. It is one of the most important things to know.

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Very helpful information! Thanks for sharing

This is helpful, thank you!

None of our reports were built using this feature. We are revisiting formatting and setting them up. Great tip that saves a lot of time in terms of formatting.

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