excel add in Analyzer

We use Analyzer heavily to push and pull datat, but our files seem to update quickly enough that a status bar doesn’t seem a high-priority requirement for us. One file with 20+ pulls of extensive data for our month end reporting normally takes less than 2 minutes to update. A request we would make is for a time stamp to show the last time the pull was updated. Prophix 4 Excel (predecessor to Analyzer) had this feature and it was convenient to link each time stamp to one tab that showed all updates in one place. We’ve never had issues with Analyzer missing a tab in the update process, but it would still be nice to have a clear record/check of the last time each pull was updated. But overall we’re very happy with Analyzer and appreciate the functionality and flexibility it offers when we need the formula power or exact formatting of Excel.

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That’s great feedback, Ryan. Thanks for your input! It’s been passed on to our Product team.